Cancellation terms

Check-in possible between 14:00 and 23:45.

Check-out possible between 7:00 and 11:00.

Booking conditions
Below are the conditions in effect in the event of cancellation. The amounts and percentages shown must be paid by you.
The special conditions have priority over the generic ones when applied ,.

Generic conditions (Individual booking)
Less than 48 h before date : 1st Night
We review cancellations case by case and always strive to find the most customer-friendly solution.

Payment options
Direct payment provided by Mollie

Wireless Internet, Free Internet

Food & Beverage
Breakfast in room, Lunch package, Free breakfast, Free coffee & tea, Oven, Toaster, Bagel shop around the corner

Fax/photocopying, Express checkin/checkout, Room service

Non-smoking rooms, Family rooms, Garden, Gay friendly, Soundproof rooms, Terrace, City center, Museum nearby, Panoramic views, Park, Dry closet, Dry rack

Museums, Restaurants and bars